Developing tattoo ideas for men– prizes and pitfalls

It has been observed that men between 25 to 34 are now getting tattooed all over the world. As for women, the age range is somewhat between 14 to 24. It means while developing tattoo ideas for men, one must come up with tattoos appropriate to this age group. Since this is a relatively mature age group, the tattoist must carefully develop ideas that should be attractive to men of this age category.  Shortly, the tattoo must be aesthetically attractive as well as meaningful to satisfy a mature brain.

The choice of tattoos does not differ much between men and women. Though there’s no one-size-fits-all method, the ideas of tattoos do not have to be widely different from men to women. However, some sites, designs and ideas are more popular among men than women. While developing tattoos, one must take these preferences into consideration.

Popular tattoos among men

Tattoos expressing tribal cultures

Now let’s check out what kind of tattoos are traditionally more popular among men than women. First, tattoos depicting different tribal cultures have a special attraction for men. It is because of the inherent masculinity in such tattoos that draws men. 

Skull theme

Then comes skull tattoos. This tattoo theme is very popular among men for a number of reasons. Tattoo ideas for men based on skull theme can be either abstract or concrete. This versatility makes skull tattoo ideas a hit among men. Besides, the idea of rebellion, fearlessness and danger, that skull tattoo themes embody, has a strong selling point among men. It goes without saying that an expert and intelligent tattooist can develop many meaningful tattoos for men based on this skull theme.

Animal and marine themes

Among other effective tattoo ideas for men are themes of the lion, marine symbols and script tattoos. Men love lion tattoo themes as they find expressions of power, freedom and dominance in these tattoos. Marine symbols like anchor, ships etc. are popular among men as they express an adventurous mind. 

Script tattoos 

Scripts are also very popular among men as tattoos. Men have different ideas, opinions and standpoints. All this can be aesthetically and forcefully expressed through script tattoos. By leveraging this male psyche, an experienced and talented tattooist can develop many salable tattoos for men. 

Talk it out, please!

Nonetheless, a tattooist must not depend on what is traditionally considered as a ‘male tattoo’ while developing tattoos to cater to men. He must have an open discussion with male customers to know exactly what they want. This is because tastes, ideas and preferences vary widely from man to man. Without a detailed discussion, it is impossible to develop tattoos that would attatract male customers. For example, one may want the tattoo on his arm while another wants it on his chest. The same tattoo must be developed in a site-specific manner to cater to men with different site preferences.

Importance of tattoo sites

While developing tattoo ideas for men one must keep in mind the sites of the tattoos. Many men prefer their arms as the site of the tattoo as this body part is easily visible and they can flaunt the tattoo. Yet, some men prefer larger body parts like the chest or back. These sites are suitable for large tattoos depicting in detail some specific theme, memory or aesthetics that the wearer wants to tell the world. So the design, size and theme of tattoos for men must vary according to the sites they are used.


Though developing tattoo ideas for men is no rocket science, it is not completely smooth sailing either. The main problem with these tattoos is individual preferences that widely differ. Tattooists must optimally use their experience, expertise and intelligence to come up with tattoo ideas that must align with these varied preferences . There is no unity in diversity here. Only carefully considering the diverse male ideas and opinions tattooists can develop male-specific tattoos that must look attractive while clearly expressing the wearer.s’ unique point of view.


Q. Can tattoos be removed?

Ans. Removal of tattoos involves complicated medical procedures, including but not restricted to surgery. These procedures are usually costly and need expert intervention.

Q. What is the safest way to get tattoos?

A. Since tattoo ink is inserted into the upper layer of the skin, utmost hygienic policies must be observed. Make sure the needle and tube are for single use and come in setillised packets. Unhygienic practices may lead to serious medical conditions.

Q. What tattoo is considered lucky for men?

A. Animal tattoos like tiger, bear, lion, wolf and other symbols like horseshoe are said to have power to attract good luck.

Q. Can tattoos attract wealth?

A. Many tattoos are considered to have wealth manifestation power like currency symbols and various sigils.

About Sarah Jay

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